Make Your Money Talk financial education class

Make Your Money Talk financial education class

The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC), a Friends of the SBA Microloan Program member, partnered with the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee to sponsor to the “Make Your Money Talk” financial education class.  Make Your Money Talk is a personal money management program that provides individuals with the opportunity to improve their personal money management skills, address credit issues, and develop a savings strategy.  The course teaches budgeting techniques, how to make good purchasing decisions, and how to develop a savings plan to help them reach their goals.

This year 100 participants graduated from the course, completing classes they had been enrolled in since January 2015.  Milwaukee City Treasurer Spencer Coggs served as the graduation keynote speaker, and stressed the importance of financial literacy.  The graduates will be able to enter into the Individual Development Account (IDA) matched savings program, which matches individual’s savings with federal funds and non-federal donations.

The Milwaukee Courier published an article highlighting the impact that programs like Make Your Money Talk and Individual Development Accounts have on the community.  For more information on the Make Your Money Talk program, or other classes and services from the WWIBC, please visit their website,

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