Learn about SBA Microlending!
Legislative Priorities
Congress annually approves the SBA Microloan program budget, and has governing authority over the program’s structure. See how the Friends have been advocating at the federal level for small business lending resources.
Microloan Success Stories
All across America, small businesses have received financing from the SBA Microloan Program that have enabled them to support employment and economic opportunity in diverse communities. Here are some of their stories.
Program Data
See the latest Fact Sheet on the SBA Microloan Program.
Recent Posts & News

System set up to ‘suck the life’ out of formerly incarcerated people takes a hit with new microloan deal
A recently announced agreement is expected to help returning citizens break a cycle of struggle that’s historically been reinforced by a criminal justice system advocates say is set up to make them fail, said Kyle J. Benson-Smith.

Twenty-Eight Senators Sign Microloan Support Letter
28 senators wrote the appropriations committee in support of FY 23 appropriations for the SBA Microloan program in the Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee

FY 23 Appropriations Request – SBA Microloans
The Friends of the SBA Microloan Program encourage Members of Congress to request 2023 Appropriations for the SBA Microloan Program including:

Kerry Doi, Statement on the Microloan Improvement Act and the microloan Transparency and Accountability Act
HR 1502, the Microloan Improvement Act of 2021, sponsored by Rep. Kim, was passed by the House last April 15.

Columbus Dispatch: ECDI named largest microlender in the U.S. by the Small Business Administration
Inna Kinney, founder and CEO of the Economic and Community Development Institute (ECDI), which was named the largest Small Business Administration microlender in the country. Columbus now has two of the top-performing Small Business Administration lenders in the country.